NWOGCSAA Golf Scramble
Benefiting the Wee One Foundation
Monday, October 4, 2021

4235 E Beachclub Rd.
Port Clinton, OH 43452
View event flyer.
Sunday, October 3 - Social get together at the maintenance facility at 6 p.m.
Monday, October 4 - Golf Outing
9:00 a.m. Registration
10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
Meal provided immediately after golf.
Registration Levels:
Foursome $500 - Includes golf and dinner.
Silver $750 - Includes foursome of golf and dinner, Hole Sign, Event Banner
Gold $1,000 - Includes everything in Silver level plus Vendor Display Hole, NWO Website, Wee One Website and 4 Drink Tickets
Platinum $2,000 - Includes everything in Gold level plus Beverage Cart, Tee Gifts and 12 Drink Tickets
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Family/Club Hole Sponsorship: $100 - Family or Club Name recognition on a sign displayed on a hole
Vendor Hole Sponsorship: $250 - Vendor can exhibit products, banners, equipment etc. on the hole.
Hole-In-One Sponsorship: $750 - Hole-in-one prize with a value of $10-$15,000, (association pays the insurance)
Beverage Cart Sponsorship: $250 - Logo/Name on the side of the beverage cart.
Reception Sponsorship: $500 - Logo/name at the reception as sponsor
Questions, contact Don Lawrence at (419) 408-0083