FAQ's  Wee One Foundation

Who is the Wee One?

The "Wee One" was Wayne Otto, CGCS. Wayne was a cherished friend of many in the golf course superintendent industry who died from cancer in 2004. The Foundation was named to honor Wayne and to continue to help those in need who face economic hardship due to illness.

How do I apply for funds?

Click here or follow the link on the website under "benevolence" to fill out a request form. The form will be sent to the committee chair and kept in confidence. You may also call any director.

I have a friend or associate that needs assistance, may I apply for assistance for them?

Most of the gifts that have been given to individuals were started by a friend or associate contacting the Wee One Foundation. Please fill out the form and tell us what is happening to the person you care about.

Does the recipient have to be a member of the Wee One Foundation? 

No. The membership in the Wee One Foundation is solely voluntary and is not necessary to receive a gift.

I would like to help the Wee One. How can I?

There are plenty of ways to help. First, you can join the Wee One Foundation. Second, attend a Wee One Foundation Golf Outing. Not one in your area? Host one. Help a committee, or tell your friends about the Wee One Foundation.

Is the Wee One Foundation a local organization?

The Wee One Foundation is headquartered in the south west suburb of Chicago named Lemont. The Foundation has members throughout the country and has helped many people the states of Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Colorado, Texas, Virginia, Montana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ohio, Kansas, California, Iowa, Arizona, and Missouri. The area grows with the Wee One Foundation.

How do I become a member of the Wee One?  Click here. 

Why should I give to the Wee One Foundation?

The monies donated to the Wee One Foundation make a difference. You can help, it is easy to do.  The Wee One Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible.

How does the Wee One Foundation decide where the funds go?

The process is simple, if there is a legitimate need, if there are funds available, the gift is made. Applications are reviewed and validated by the Benevolent Committee. This Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors who direct the funds to the party in need.

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11855 Archer Avenue º Lemont, IL º 60439
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