Individual Partners 

The individuals listed below have pledged to support the Wee One Endowment Fund through a yearly contribution for the next ten years.  For more information on how to become "One for the Wee One", please click here.
John Anderson
Kerry Anderson
Tim Ansett
Brian Baker
Luke Baker
Nick Baker
Chad  Ball
Chuck  Barber
Paul Bastron
Brian Bossert
David Brandenburg
Michael Bremmer
Bill Brown
David Cameron
Kirk Carls
Mike Cavanaugh
John Chassard
Len Conley
Steve  Cook
Shawn Emmack
Joe Ernst
John Fulling
Kurt  Galisdorfer
Aaron  Goy
Dave  Groelle
John Gurke
Stefan Gustafson
Brett Hosler
Adam Ikamas
Doug Johanningsmeier
Jim Johnson
Rod Johnson
Jeff Karlstrand
Dave Kazmierczak
Mark and Jackie Kosbab
Matt Kregel
Kris Kvelland
Brian Laurent
Linc and Liz Lautenbach
Mike  Lyons
Jack&Kim MacKenzie
Dan  Marco
Ben McGargill
Steven Mueller
Mike Murphy
Kristopher Pinkerton
Tom Proshek
Robert Pylar
Danny Quast
David Radaj, CGCS
Kurt Sams
Tom Schwab
Bruce Schweiger
Warren Shafer
Craig Shepherd
Josh Shull
David Smith
Scot Spier
John Turner
Justin VanLanduit
Scott Verdun
Keith Williams
Chuck Wollner
Bruce Worzella
Brett Ziegler
© 2025 Wee One Foundation
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11855 Archer Avenue º Lemont, IL º 60439
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